
What is your fee for income tax preparation?

All of our services are a function of the amount of time needed to complete your return. The more organized you are can save you money. Please contact a partner for a specific quote, and after a few simple questions we can provide you with a reasonable fee estimate for your return.

I received an IRS notice, but I don’t want to talk to them, are you able to contact them for us?

Once you fill out and sign a Power of Attorney, we may speak to the IRS and state taxing authorities directly on your behalf. If you are selected for a tax audit, we can provide representation for you.

How can we reduce our income tax liability?

Many taxpayers are not taking all of the deductions they are legally permitted. A consultation with one of our experienced tax partners may help you find strategies and deductions for education, business expenses, charitable contributions, rental properties, and more to pay the least amount of tax required by law.


What is the difference between the levels of financial statement services you provide – compilation, review and audit?

In a compilation, we take your financial information and put it in a format the user expects to see, but we offer no assurance on the figures. A review consists principally of inquiry and analytical procedures to provide limited assurance that the balances and information provided is properly presented. An audit is the highest level of service, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion as to whether your financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Does our organization need a financial audit?

Audits are generally requested by users of your financial information – lenders, grantors, customers, United Way, etc., who want some level of assurance on the information provided. An audit can be an effective tool for these users to better understand your organization.